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Trending Words
Discover top words grabbing major interest on social media in the past 24 hours, perfect for tracking emerging trends and staying updated on the crypto market conversation.
The word ''apple'' is trending due to discussions around Apple Pay and its security features in relation to fraudulent transactions involving virtual banks like Revolut. Users are expressing...
The word 'bitcoin' is trending due to its association with various scams involving cryptocurrency, such as fake crypto wallet scams and pig butchering scams. These scams manipulate victims i...
The word ''thinktankgalaxy'' is trending due to its repeated mention in a promotional context related to a quiz or competition. The texts highlight a call to action for participants to answe...
The word ''universe'' is trending due to its repeated mention in the context of a decentralized exchange (DEX) that emphasizes user control over funds and low-cost trading. The texts highlig...
The word ''fractal'' is trending due to its frequent appearance in discussions about a specific type of bitcoin token being offered for sale. The texts indicate various prices and conditions...
The word ''escrow'' is trending in the provided texts primarily due to its frequent association with transactions involving ''FB fractal bitcoin''. The texts indicate a clear demand for buyi...
The word ''usually'' appears frequently in the texts, indicating common practices and expectations within the finance and crypto sectors. It is used to describe typical behaviors regarding r...
The word ''shares'' is trending due to discussions surrounding stock trading, particularly in relation to companies like PLTR and GOOGL. Users are analyzing institutional ownership, buying p...
The word ''Powsche'' is trending due to its repeated mentions in discussions about a cryptocurrency token that has garnered significant attention on social media platforms like Reddit. Users...
The word ''WTS'' is trending in the provided texts as it is frequently associated with offers for selling various cryptocurrencies, particularly ''FB fractal bitcoin''. The context indicates...
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