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ETH Behaviour Setup

Contains most of the metrics needed to spot the extremes (both tops and bottoms) When the tops are forming, look for: a) Divergency (prices are going up, metric stagnates or going down) the first three charts b) spikes in Debt Created (DAI related) c) high TX fees. For the bottoms we want to see: a) cooled down market. Tx fees are low, debt creation went down b) visible and high level of the "debt liquidation" (AAVE, Compound and also Maker, though as of 2024 Maker liquidations became less important). Pay especially attention to the supply/distribution. There one needs to select not only ETH, but staked variants like stETH, wstETH (both from Lido), then rETH (rocketPool) and cbETH (Coinbase staked ETH)

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